Monday, June 18, 2012

Be still, there is a Healer.

We are now down to just 7 days before I leave and I can hardly believe it. This is a place where I have longed to be for the last 3 years, and as always, God is faithful, and He brought me here. Since the time has gotten closer to leave, there has been a little more nervousness. Through every small detail I worry about Jesus always shows up- either in a song, His word, or through another believer. A few nights ago Satan was really attacking me and I got to extremely fearful. In that same moment Anna (a fellow visionteamer) texted me and crazy things were going on in her life and feeling the same way. In that we were just able to pray over eachother and reconfirm for eachother that this is where Jesus wants us and He is going to do mighty things in and through us. He has provided so much for us and he has remained faithful through this entire process, and I have no doubt He is going to show up in even bigger ways when we arrive in Nepal. These lyrics by Chris Tomlin just resonate in my head for the majority of the day..

"Be still, there is a healer. His love is deeper than the sea.  His mercy is unfailing. His arms a fortress for the weak. I lift my hands to believe again. You are my refuge you and my strength. As I pour out my heart these things I remember ..You are faithful God forever."

One specific prayer request would be the traveling side of this journey:
I get really nervous traveling and being in airports- I dont mind flying at all but I hate going through securtity and making sure I am at the right place at the right time. Sounds silly, I know ;)

So excited about this next season in my life, and I am so excited to make you all part of it.

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