Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Here I am Jesus, Send me.

14.5 hours in a plane, we are in Doha, Qatar! Praise the LORD.

The flight wasnt half as bad as I was expecting and I am so very thankful for that. I had alot of time to pray for loved ones back home that I started to miss. I also got to read a letter from my sweet sister that helped bring a touch of home to me. It's a little after 9pm here and we get on our next flight to get to Kathmandu at 1am and will arrive around 8:30am. The flight will only be able 5 hours-- that sounds like nothing after being on a plane for 14.5 hours.

The team is incredible. So much more than I could have ever expected. I adore each one of them and I am so excited to watch our friendships grow and see what Jesus does with them. Some of us were talking and there is no way that anything but JESUS could unite a group of people like this.

We recieved a packet upon arrival in Houston yesterday... or this morning??..or whenever it was. I am totally thrown off by times I am trying not to figure it out. I read through that packet on the plane and I found out for for 7 days, we as a team will be with a language tutor for one hour each day. I am SO very excited about this. The Nepali language is so interesting and I am excited to dive into it! We will also be traveling around the country alot and learning much about all the issues that face Nepal. Alot of these will be about children, women, and the heartbreaking issue of sex trafficking.

Every so often I feel a little overwhelmed and feel like maybe I went too deep into something I cant handle by coming here. But, Jesus is good, and keeps reaffirming me on why I am here and how good its going to be. I am praying that this trip will expose me to enough that I will come home and not be able to help but to do something about this issue. Atlanta is number one in the nation for trafficking and top 3 in the entire WORLD. Something has to be done, and I feel as though if I dont step up, then who will?

It is so encouraging to be here with 9 students all my age, all of us sharing the same passion and all fueled by the same thing. Jesus is good. I always struggled with trying to figure out why Jesus chose me to be born in the U.S. Why am I not a child in Nepal desperate for food, or a mother in Haiti who survived a terrifying earthquake that took my husband? I may never know this answer. But, I do know that Jesus is calling me to use the blessings He is giving me and the resources that are at my exposure to fight for these children and women. I want to spend my life doing this. And I am praying that at the end of this journey in Nepal, Jesus will have shown me exactly how He wants me to do pursue this.

Love you all so very much. Your prayers have reached me & have been with me.

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