Sunday, January 29, 2012

So the journey begins..

He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted & proclaim FREEDOM for the captives! Isaiah 61:1

Dear Precious Family and Friends,

Over the last three years, God has placed a burden on my heart for the victims of sex trafficking. I have been 
asked to partner with an amazing organization called Tiny Hands International (THI). This organization works with victims of sex trafficking, along with orphans and street children. Their focus is in the country of Nepal and its borderline with India. Every year there are 12,000 girls trafficked through Nepal to India.  In 2010, THI rescued over 2000 girls by boarder monitoring stations and then took them to safe houses where they were provided with counseling, education, and knowledge of the gospel. The Lord’s clearly been using this ministry since it’s development in 2006.

The Lord has given me a passion to work with the victims of sex trafficking. He placed Nepal on my heart three years ago and I am so excited to see His plans for me there finally coming together! I have been chosen along with six others to be part of their Summer Vision Team.       

I will be there from June 25th- August 6th. Over these 6 weeks, I will be working on the border of Nepal and India rescuing young women and children out of the hands of sex traffickers. I will also be organizing day camps for their multiple children’s homes, and loving on the children that have been orphaned or abandoned to live on the streets of Kathmandu, Nepal’s capital.

In preparing for this trip, I need a financial support team as well as a prayer support team. First and foremost I ask for prayer support. These 6 weeks will be an adventure for me.  I ask that you would start praying for my team as well as for my time there. As far as financial support, I have to raise $4,000 for my trip. This will cover my airfare to Kathmandu and expenses during my stay for those 6 weeks. Even though I will be the hands and feet, it will be your support that holds me together through this trip. My support needs to be in by April 25th. I ask that you will prayerfully consider how God would ask you to give for this trip. I cannot wait for this experience and to see all that Jesus is going to do. Thank you so much. I am grateful for each one of you and know this will be impossible without you. I love you!

In His Grip,
Emilee Carr

*If you send a check please make it out to Tiny Hands International with “Vision Team” in the memo- please do not include my name. From there I will send it to THI headquarters with my deposit slip. Thanks!