Thursday, June 28, 2012

Taste and see that the LORD is good..

"As you get out of bed in the morning, be aware of my presence with you. You may not be thinking clearly yet, but I am. Your early morning thoughts tend to be anxioous ones until you get connected with me. The true question is not whether you can cope with whatever happens, but whether you and I together can handle anything that occurs. It is this you-and-I factor that gives you confident to face the day cheerfully." -Jesus Calling 

This morning, I woke up super excited to blog about all we did yesterday! I woke up and looked outside, it was raining so we got to open up the windows and its so cool outside. Such a relief from the hot sun we have been facing since we have been here. I turned on some worship music and just have had some time with Jesus. As I read my Jesus Calling this morning the very first line said 'be aware of my presence with you.' We always know that Jesus is with us, not necessarily feeling it though. In a place like Thamel (pronounce Tom-El --part of kathmandu we are staying in) sometimes you forget that even though this place is dark and in need of Jesus, He is here. And these are His people. And His city. In His presence there is a peace that we find. In this midst of this chaotic city, Jesus is peace.

 Last night, we were all feeling the chaos getting to us. We just needed time to worship and re-focus though it has only been a few days since we left home. We all met on the roof and put on some worship music last night and just laid there in silence, listening, singing, and worshiping. We were up there for about 40 minutes and it was so refreshing. I laid in bed last night with a peace about being here and how Jesus is going to use me. He gave me a peace about being away from home, and though I miss my family more than ever, I am okay. Going into this trip, my prayer was to take everyday and live here in Nepal in that moment. Jesus is teaching me how to do this.. and I have a feeling its because you all have been praying for me. So thank you for that.. Jesus is using you and your faithfulness greatly.

When we got here we were talked to about the people we will encounter on the streets- especially the children. What we dont think about most of the time is that sometimes our helping hurts the poor. Most tourist that come to Nepal will see a street child and give him food or money. Thinking they did something good, it ended up hurting the child. The child will usually turn around a sell the food or take the money and go buy glue. As children, they will start sniffing glue and by the time they are an adult they are addicted to hard core drugs like heroine.These children become addicted to the streets. Though its not a good life, they are given more food (usually more than what we eat in one day) and things are handed to them. There have been children that have been taken off the streets and end up going back to it because its an addictive thing here-- alot like gambling. Here, drugs are very easy to get to, multiple people on our team have already been asked multiple times if they would like to but marijuina or other drugs. Its very in your face here. That being said, though we have encountered street children we are encouraged to not give them food or money unless we feel strongly encouraged to by the Lord.

Yesterday we started our language classes.. Nepali is not the easiest language to learn, but SO fun when you have a passion behind it. We also did a scavenger hunt around the city, and got lost and found our way back again! Last night we then went to Jon, THI president's, house and met another group here and played some games. Today, we will start learning some songs for the Children's homes that we start visiting on Saturday.

Its about 7am here so it is time to start the day! Going to go get breakfast and some INCREDIBLE Nepali tea. Goodnight to all of you back home :)

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