Saturday, July 7, 2012

Either way, God is still GOOD..

Good morning from Nepal! It is about 7:10am here and we are getting ready to head to breakfast then to an international church.

Friday night the group split up and all the girls had a sleepover at Sarah's house while all the guys stayed back for a "guys night." We had so much fun together. We went for dinner at a nicer hotel where the water was actually cold, didn't have an after taste AND we had ice cubes. Being here makes you realize all the small things you take for granted back at home, like Chick Fil A ice cubes. These girls are absolutely amazing. There is alot going on around me and in my life and I could not have asked to be placed with a better group of girls. They are constantly encouraging me and praying for me. After dinner, we went back to Sarah's and had some girl talk. We then made s'mores over candles. TNI- This is Nepal. We shared stories and laughed alot. I can't imagine my life without these people in it anymore- its crazy how Jesus can do that.

Saturday morning we went and got some breakfast at this awesome place by Sarah's house. Their french toast actually tasted like french toast!! Another thing I have taken for granted at home- mama's french toast! MMM!!! After breakfast, we met back up with the guys at our hotel and went to the American club to celebrate 4th of July- a bit late, but it was celebrated! We met a few new people and played some pretty intense games of "Mafia"- which I am now addicted to. To end our time at the club, we played some frisbee. Around 5 o'clock we headed back to the hotel and hung out. We went to an awesome italian place for dinner and then just hung out and talked as a team. I know I keep saying this, but I am so blessed to be here with this team. They are all so very encouraging and couldn't have been placed in my life at a better time. Here are some things you could be praying for us about:

-- On tuesday morning (your monday night) we will be traveling to Phokara which is about a 7 hour bus ride. Pray for safety and easy travels and no one gets sick!
-- Next week we will be in Phokara and Chitwan for the week- pray for our interactions with the children there and that we will be used through language barriers. Also, this is when we go to the border, pray that Jesus moves our hearts and trafficking becomes even more real to us.
-- Personally, I have some stuff going on and that I will continue to learn and believe that either way things play out, God is good. Pray that these things wouldnt become a distraction on this trip.
-- Pray that I continue to pour out all of me every day and that I take in every moment I have.
-- When we come home from Phokara is when we decided how we want to serve in Nepal for our last  3 weeks. Pray that Jesus will start revealing to us where He wants us and how He wants to use us for this last leg of the trip.

Love you all so very much!

"Only God can move mountains, but faith and prayer move the heart of God." 

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